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Karibuni! Welcome to the Daughter of the Leopard blog
Above: children study English and Samburu (Maa) vocabulary. Image credit: “Samburu vocabulary“, Alaina Buzas, CC BY 2.0 license Here is where we will be posting updates on our books, more info about the people, animals, places, and time from Monique’s stories, and notable happenings in Kenya and Samburuland. This blog…
“#1 Top New Release” in TWO Categories; “#1 Best-Seller” in One
When I went to check on how the books were doing March 21-22, I was gobsmacked to discover the Kindle version had hit “#1 Top New Release” in TWO of its categories: “Historical African Biographies” and “Black & African American Biographies & Memoirs.” AND it had hit #1 Best Seller…
Kindle and ebook sale!
For the rest of Women’s History Month, we’ve put the Amazon Kindle and Rakuten Kobo ebook editions on big sale, from the usual $9.99 to $2.99. We love a great deal, and are delighted to be able to offer this sale! It should be live in all of Amazon’s and…
Now on Kobo! Also OverDrive
Our ebook is available now worldwide on Kobo/Rakuten. They also provide the ebook on OverDrive.