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Image above: “Hi there!” Elephant emerging from vegetation. A familiar sight to Monique, featuring heavily in book 2! Image credit: Flavio Vallone, Pexels free-to-use license

If you want to know when a book from the project comes out, join our mailing list! We’re delighted you’re interested! It may be a while until the first book is out, and then there will be some gaps until the following ones launch. If you register here, we’ll inform you when these happen.

We will only contact you to inform you when a book is launching. We will NOT spam you about anything else, or sell/share your data. If you want to keep up with what’s happening with the project, us, or Samburuland, the blog is great to follow. If you want be notified when there are new blog posts, there’s a separate form for that on our blog. This form is JUST to be notified of book launches.